Web of Science (WoS) is an online subscription-based
scientific citation indexing service maintained by
Thomson Reuters that provides a comprehensive citation
search. It gives access to multiple databases that
reference cross-disciplinary research, which allows for
in-depth exploration of specialized sub-fields within an
academic or scientific discipline.
To view articles in Web of Science links in scholarly
database, researcher must be accessing Thomas Reuters
from the institution’s IP range and the institution must
subscribe to SCI, SSCI or AHCI. If the record you are
viewing is outside of your subscription depth, the links
will resolve to a Web of Science Citing Articles Summary
Preview page. Premium content is not available to
The evolution of the electronic age has led to the
development of numerous academicals databases on the
World Wide Web, offering search facilities on a
particular subject and the ability to perform citation
analysis. Competent content coverage and practical
utility of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google
Scholar. The official Web pages of the databases were
used to extract information on the range of journals
covered, search facilities and restrictions, and update
The principal source of difference is the set of
publications included in either service. Web of Science
Core Collection counts are based on a reputable database
of published, peer-reviewed content that is selected
according to publicly available standards. CAB Abstract
is powered by ISI Web of Science and quality research
counts are based on a diverse and larger set of
publications including published articles, preprints,
theses, books, and court opinions.
Here are some of articles
published by Academia Publishing available in CAB Direct