Journal of Business and Economic
Management 6(5): 098-105, May2018
DOI: 10.15413/jbem.2017.0115
ISSN: 2315-7755
2018 Academia Publishing
Project managers and
product champions – exploring the relationship
Accepted 27th
Seiichi FUJII
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Ōita, Japan.
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
There have been a number of studies on the roles
of both project managers and product champions in new
product development. However, few, if any, studies have
examined the relationship between the two roles. This
study therefore, aimed to fill that gap, and set out a
future research agenda in this field. This study
reviewed articles discussing new product development, to
see whether the roles of project manager and product
champion could be distinguished based on organizational
type or product characteristics. Other articles were
then used as a secondary data source to identify
projects involving one or both roles. The initial review
found that project managers and product champions could
be distinguished in several ways, including mode of
appointment, with project managers appointed formally,
and product champions emerging. Product champions could
also be identified using a set of activities from the
literature. The second review identified 75 new product
development projects, of which 35 had a project manager,
23 a product champion, and ten both. Six propositions
were identified to guide future empirical research on
the interactions and relationships between project
managers and product champions. Few, if any, studies,
and none in Japan, have examined the interactions
between project managers and product champions. By
making an initial attempt to do so, this study has been
able to set out a future research agenda in this field.
This is an open access article
published under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Cite this article as:
FUJII S (2018). Project managers
and product champions – exploring the relationship. J. Bus.
Econ. Manag. 6(5): 098-105.